Lost confidence? We can rebuild it!

Have you lost your confidence? You’re definitely not alone in feeling like this. Low self-esteem is one of the most…

02 Nov 2021
Sun through the trees representing a solution for anxiety

Coronavirus & Online Hypnotherapy

With the onset of Coronavirus, I moved my sessions with my clients online. Some of my clients had reservations and…

01 Mar 2021
Cloudy Skies

Obsessive, Compulsive Disorders – OCD

I thought it might be great to have a chat about OCD as I seem to have had a lot…

01 Mar 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week Kindness

Recent global events have been life changing in so many different ways for everyone. As we are taking tentative steps…

17 May 2020
The power is in your hands

Your Hands and your Brain, a powerful combo

Watching the news on Sunday I wanted to cry! I don’t know what I expected, and honestly I completely agree…

12 May 2020

Award Winning Hypnotherapist… a journey

So, I won an award!! I never intended to win an award but somehow here I am with a trophy…

30 Mar 2020

Lockdown – Working from home

  Well what a week this has been. Being made to stay home and not leave the house is most…

30 Mar 2020

Starting sixth form or college? Welcome to responsibility.

It seems like only yesterday you were celebrating your last day of school before an exciting summer break. You’ve finished…

03 Sep 2019
Girl huddled with adult offering helping hand.

Pure O – The unspoken OCD​

Recently I have been working with a couple of clients to combat their Purely Obsessional OCD or Pure O as…

17 Aug 2019
Sunset over beautiful ocean

What to do when your anxiety feels as overwhelming as this heatwave

The heatwave we have experienced this week has left the country in tatters. In a country like England it is…

27 Jul 2019